Top 10 Reasons to Work at Google
Lend a helping hand. With millions of visitors every month, Google has become an essential part of everyday life - like a good friend - connecting people with the information they need to live great lives. |
Life is beautiful. Being a part of something that matters and working on products in which you can believe is remarkably fulfilling. 打造美丽人生:鸡头凤尾无所谓,活着就为干点事儿;辛苦点没什么,咱做这玩意儿就是管用。 |
Appreciation is the best motivation, so we've created a fun and inspiring workspace you'll be glad to be a part of, including on-site doctor and dentist; massage and yoga; professional development opportunities; on-site day care; shoreline running trails; and plenty of snacks to get you through the day. 谢谢啊:胡萝卜永远比大棒强,所以我们营造一个工作空间,包你乐不思蜀:全套配备看病的、拔牙的、按摩的、练气功的、抠脚气的,还有托儿所、海岸跑道... 你想出人头地,机会主动报到;你想先解决肚皮,每天零食管够。 |
Work and play are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to code and pass the puck at the same time. 工作娱乐两不误:写代码的同时也可以过关斩将,看过黑客帝国吧。 |
We love our employees, and we want them to know it. Google offers a variety of benefits, including a choice of medical programs, company-matched 401(k), stock options, maternity and paternity leave, and much more. 组织上的关怀:Google提供多重奖励和保障,例如医疗养老保险、股权期权、孕假产假(男的也有)。 |
Innovation is our bloodline. Even the best technology can be improved. We see endless opportunity to create even more relevant, more useful, and faster products for our users. Google is the technology leader in organizing the world's information. 发明家的血统:最牛B的技术也能再改进,我们眼中有无限可能,去实现更快更高更强。梳理全球信息,Google一马当先。 |
Good company everywhere you look. Googlers range from former neurosurgeons, CEOs, and U.S. puzzle champions to alligator wrestlers and former-Marines. No matter what their backgrounds Googlers make for interesting cube mates. 英雄辈出藏龙卧虎:在Google我们集中了神经外科医生、CEO、全美拼图冠军、水管工、退伍军人在内的各路豪杰。Google人从五湖四海走来,为了一个共同理想。 |
Uniting the world, one user at a time. People in every country and every language use our products. As such we think, act, and work globally - just our little contribution to making the world a better place. 放眼全球,只为一人:两百多个国家,不同语言的人们使用我们的产品。全球化是我们思考行动的指南,一份绵薄之力,让世界变得更好。 |
Boldly go where no one has gone before. There are hundreds of challenges yet to solve. Your creative ideas matter here and are worth exploring. You'll have the opportunity to develop innovative new products that millions of people will find useful. 前无古人:这儿有几百道难题等你攻克,你的点子能得到重视,价值得以发掘。在这儿的一项发明可能给给千万人带来实惠。 |
10. | There is such a thing as a free lunch after all. In fact we have them every day: healthy, yummy, and made with love. 天下没有免费的午餐?这儿就有啊,天天都有。为什么我们身体倍儿棒,因为我们爱得深沉,为什么我们吃嘛嘛香,因为我们爱得深沉! |
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